
Saturday 8 May 2021

Trees talk to each other article

At school me and my class was reading a plant article from Glen Innes school that my teacher gave to my brother class and me and my class after reading the plant article we had to say what the plant article was all about and some of the keys word but I will tell you more in my plant article work. what I found hard was the key word because I forgot so I had to read the article again. what I found easy was saying what the plant article was all about. so here is the article and my work so I hope you enjoy.

Trees talk to each other article Friday 7th May

Tree talk to each other article link

What is the article about? The article is about how an Ecologist is telling a story all about plants. In the article it said that Trees are social creatures that communicate with each other, for example: a tree is getting attacked by bugs so the pine tree communicates with other trees like an oak tree and the oak tree helps him with the bugs problem. 


Enzymes-Enzymes mean important substances made by the cells of plants and animals.

Ecologist-Ecology means the study of the relationships between living things and their surroundings, or environment.

Fungi-Fungi means it is one of a large group of living things that appear similar to plants but cannot make their own food using sunlight in the way plants do. 

Chemotherapy-Chemotherapy means it is the use of medicines to treat the people/animals who got cancer.

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