
Thursday 18 November 2021

Converting decimals to fractions and then simplifying

Today I was doing my math slide and the math slide I was on was slide 9 which it is the place whee it have Activity two. in exsample the first question it 05/100 and I divided it in to half. as you see the 5 is a half and he 100 is 50 so then the main answer is 1/2 because they are both a half. what I found difficult was the 100 because I didnt realy understand. what I found easy was the tens and the ones so here is MY activity and I hope you enjoyed and are keeping safe.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Audrey.
    Its me Lisiate from school. I really like how you explained you got the answer to the equation. I also did something like this, it was kind of easy to do. I also recommended you bringing more punctuation in your explanation. Keep up the great work!
