
Thursday 15 April 2021

How Māui Slowed the sun

Today at school my class (TWP 4) and some of Mr Gaffney year fives were going to a ki o rahi tournament with me (Audrey) but something happened it was so raining that we ran to the bus and left to school and learned. so now I am going to tell you the story How Māui Slowed the sun but not now I tell you more about it in my work. then we watch a video and then we learned how to weaved with paper you just go up and down up and down up and down up and down up and down with 2 colour of 6 paper and do the same to the side and then you glue the paper to not fall off and they to cut it and then we draw a part from the video and blog it what I am doing right now so now I am doing the question from teacher How Maui slowed the sun – questions:1. Why does Maui want to slow down the sun? because the sun was going to fast and the Maori people work slow every day 2. Why did Maui’s brothers not want to join his plan? because there hate to cut and weaved leaved 3. Why did they approach the sun during the night? so people will not known where they are going 4. Is this story a legend, myth or fairy tale? it is a story 5. Do you think Maui was fair in forcing the sun to slow down? because the sun might die. so here is the story and photo and the video I hope you enjoy.How Māui slowed the sun Peter Gossage 

Wednesday 14 April 2021

Audrey Term 1 Student Reflection

today at school it was the last day of Term 1 and we were doing Term 1 Student Reflection. Term 1 Student Reflection is about what you like/did in Term 1 but I will tell you more in my work and what I like in term 1. what I found hard was nothing because it was my work. what I found easy was all my work because people could help me and because It was my work so here is my work and I hope you enjoy.

Audrey Joan Wiffen and her fossils

Today at school my class and I was doing science and our science was about Joan Wiffen and her fossils but in my work I will tell you more about Joan Wiffen and her fossils like when she died or about Joan Wiffen family and friends. what I found hard was nothing at all because I had a video the watch and it had the answers. what I found easy was all my science so here is my Joan Wiffen and her fossils so I hope you enjoy

Monday 12 April 2021

Audrey Job and future Jobs

Today at school I was doing my PWC work but on slide 3. On slide three it say what are the jobs in your family and then what job do you want for your job. then I put my work in to a google drawing and blog and I am just blogging right now. what I found hard was trying to remember what are the people in my family and they jobs. what I found easy was the rest of my work so here is my work and I hope you enjoy

Saturday 10 April 2021

Audrey cocoa beans is a currency

At school, my class (TWP 4) also with Mr Gaffney's year fives we were doing some PWC work. What is PWC work you ask? Well, PWC means Price Water house and Coopers. The PWC business is about helping people with their money problems and teaching people how to use their money correctly. We had three ladies come and teach/told us how to use money. Something I learnt from the PWC ladies was how to save your money.
What I found hard was nothing at all because I researched about how cocoa beans use to be a currency. What I found easy was actually everything on my work so here is my work so I hope you enjoy.

Wednesday 7 April 2021

Audrey Cyber-smart Challenge 9 charging your Chromebook

Today on 8 of April I was doing my Cyber-smart Challenge 9. On Cyber-smart Challenge 9 it was about charging your Chromebook the right way. On the Cyber-smart Challenge site it gave me a document and said to press the three dots and copy it but when I try to copy it I cant so I just took a picture and put it in a google drawing. What I found hard was the answer because I had to copy the words and look it up. what I found easy was just copying things so here is my Cyber-smart Challenge 9 charging your Chromebook and how I charging my netbook so work and I hope you enjoy

Tuesday 6 April 2021


Statistics is Using and Handling Data. What are the thing that Statistics stand out for me is learning data and at we use data to see how many works,toy company and populations we have by using bar graphs,pie graphs and line graphs. Statistics is study data and how to collect, analyse, summarise and present data. Statistics mean median, mode, minimum value, maximum value and range. what I found hard in Statistics was nothing nothing at all. and what I found easy was all my Statistics because I just need to do the poster and here is my work and I hope you enjoy.

Sunday 4 April 2021

Audrey Legend Of Tūmatauenga

Today at school my group and I were doing reading and in reading was our Maori gods. my groups Maori god was Tūmatauenga. Tūmatauenga it the god of mankind and war but I will tell you more in my work. what I found hard was nothing at all in my work. what I easy was all my work. here my work and I hope you enjoy.

Friday 2 April 2021

Audrey Boat Animation cyber-smart challenge 8

Today I was doing my cyber-smart challenges and it was cyber-smart challenge 8. on cyber-smart challenge 8 was the Boat Animation. in Boat Animation we use google slide I made a boat and the wallpaper for the slide why we use slide???. we use slide to known and to use our google slides and then I copy the one slide and keep moving the boat and then full screen and watch. what I found hard was nothing at all in the work which is the google slide. what I found easy what my whole work because I had a video to help me and tell me what to do on the cyber-smart site i hope you enjoy and you can try it too.