
Tuesday 6 July 2021

current events 2021Term 2 Glasswing butterfly

 Glasswing butterfly

WALT: analyse media with an open but critical eye to inform our own opinions

Today At school my class and I was doing our Mornring reading but instead of reading we were doing  current events. for curent event we were doing Glasswing Butterfly if you dont kown what that is it is a butterfly with see through and which is hard for bird to eat them so here is my Activity and some photo so I hope you enjoy.

here is my Recall Questions:

The main group/person was A team of researchers from an American university who wanted to find out what made the wings of certain butterflies and moths see-through.                                         

The key event in this event is the butterfly and the moth because some have see through wing that people want to research about

This event took place at America, 

When this event took place was at 1st July 2021

What happened in this event was that these research wanted to found out about the see through wing because the bird who love to eat butterfly is hard to find them and why do they have these wings

Thesa butterfly are morley at Colombia, in South America, and the In The Central American countries of Mexico and Panama the butterfly and moth are the luckiest because the bird who loves to eat it will be hard for them to eat them. These clear wings make it extremely difficult for predatory birds to track it in flight. The tissue between their veins looks like glass, as it lacks the colored scales found in other butterflies. 


Repel-drive or force (an attack or attacker) back or away.

Membrane-a thin sheet of tissue or layer of cells acting as a boundary

here is my Activity it is a word search:

here is a photo of the butterfly and with what the photo meanes:

The show the Butterfly and it see through wings

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